Trade with Tasmania Directory

How do you help Tasmania’s amazing exporters reach their global markets when a global pandemic keeps everyone at home? The Trade with Tasmania Directory showcases the very best of Tasmania’s exporters in a modern, beautifully designed single page app.

The Directory is part of the broader Trade with Tasmania site, and gives Tasmanian trading businesses the opportunity to showcase their business and products to potential interstate and overseas partners.

Instead of relying on an off-the-shelf content management system for the Trade with Tasmania Directory we built a custom database and single page application interface which deliver a rich and interactive directory experience. From the custom application and approval process that new businesses go through to be listed in the directory to the mobile friendly and accessible front-end the site is completely customised for the Trade Tasmania team’s requirements.

Scalable and secure hosting were key requirements for the Trade Tasmania team and we used Amazon Web Services (AWS) public cloud infrastructure to deliver a custom managed hosting solution.

With Amazon Web Services (AWS), we can programmatically provision, monitor, and automate all the components of the Tasmanian Trade Directory cloud environment. This includes Amazon EC2 for hosting, Amazon Aurora for high performance database and Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) for image and file storage.

The team at Ionata have been fantastic to work with. The process was consultative and the Ionata team were great for workshopping ideas and providing valuable advice.

Ionata have helped to deliver a whole new platform which is delivering value to Tasmanian businesses in the global marketplace. We are very happy with this extra promotional tool and are using it to tell the world about Tasmanian quality.

– Tom Knight, Department of State Growth

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